Christmas Door Draft Stopper - 9525DS$84.00PricePER CASE CHRISTMAS DRAFT STOPPERCase Pack: 12Unit Price: $7.00Item Size: 4"x 36"4 Designs - Tapestry Woven"Cardinal, Gingerbread, Snowman, Snowflakes"Block cold air from doorway/windowsQuantityExpected to Ship by September 1Pre-Order
Christmas Door Draft Stopper - 9525DS$84.00PricePER CASE CHRISTMAS DRAFT STOPPERCase Pack: 12Unit Price: $7.00Item Size: 4"x 36"4 Designs - Tapestry Woven"Cardinal, Gingerbread, Snowman, Snowflakes"Block cold air from doorway/windowsQuantityExpected to Ship by September 1Pre-Order